Project plan (draft)

(1) Defining the project
Set up the project plan and get it approved by mentor.
Set up project workspace, preferably not at home.
Set up project wiki for logging the work and all of the collected data.
Estimated work time: 20 hours

(2) Acquisition of problems
Search for problems which have at least 2 identified perspectives and catalog them.
Estimated work time: 60 hours

(3) Setting up the experiment
Select a few cataloged problems.
Create an experiment template.
Invite participants to solve problems while being monitored.
Estimated work time: 40 hours

(4) Running the experiment
Participant solves the problem while explaining his/hers every thought.
The transcript and solution are afterwards analyzed.
Estimated work time per participant: 5 hours (experiment) + 10 hours (analysis)

(5) Final analysis
Analysis of the gathered data and integrating it into the existing knowledge.
Expand the current archetype model or create a new model.

Estimated work time: 80 hours

(6) Report and thesis
Writing the final report and thesis.
Estimated work time: 100 hours
This project plan is just a draft. It will be fixed and expanded after meeting with mentor.

I require a mentor and a place to work and conduct the experiments.
Everything else will be provided by me.